Papua – Tribe Expedition – back to Stone Age

Paua New Guinea & West Papua (Indonesia)

Papua Kombai – Tree people

Papua Kombai tribe Photo©Luděk Uzel

Papua Korowai – Tree people

Papua Korowai – tree people tribe Photo©JahodaPe­ (Papua guide)

Nowadays, it is possible to organize trips to some of the tribes.

We regularly organize expeditions to the Korowai and Kombai – the tree people tribes.

The possibility of reaching the Korowai Batu or the Kopkaga, two other tribes of tree people, is limited.

Expeditions to mountain dwarf tribe Yali are unbelievably picturesque.

For very demanding clients we organize expeditions to the “forbidden” river Mamberamo, and to Jalime, the legendary village of the manufacturers of stone axes (Heinrich Harrer wrote about the village in his book “Coming from the Stone Age).

On all these expeditions we come to people, who up to the present day use stone and bone tools, hunt with bows and arrows, and wear traditional clothing – women wear short skirts made of natural materials, and men wear wooden sheaths on their penises called koteka in Indonesian.

Papua Kombai – Tree people

Papua Kombai tribe – tree house Photo©JahodaPe­

Papua Kombai – Tree people

Papua Kombai tribe – children of cannibals? Photo©Luděk Uzel

We travel through time during these expeditions. Meeting these people who come from a different world leaves a deep, and unforgettable footprint, in our hearts and memories.

Many times we experience incredibly strong emotions from meeting completely primitive aborigines, who have not once seen a white man in their lifetimes.

Papua Kombai – Tree people – reparation of stone axe

Papua Kombai tribe – new stone axe Photo©JahodaPe­

Papua Korowai Batu – Tree people

Papua Korowai Batu – tree people Photo©Luděk Uzel

Only here can we experience the last moments of the Stone Age, which has been preserved in this area to our time.

Unfortunately, the world changes, and Papua changes as well. The territories untouched by civilization are shrinking, and aborigines are becoming civilized. If you want to get to know their world, you have to hurry…

Tribe expeditions  – itineraries and schedule

Tribe expeditions itineraries and schedule